Due to the persisting global Semiconductor shortages affecting multiple industries the Blind Spot Information System (BLIS) is not available for specific models. Please contact Volvo Cars at 1800 102 9100 or contact your nearest authorized Volvo Cars dealer/business partner for more information.

More information about the global semiconductor shortage

What is a semiconductor?

A computer chip, also called a semiconductor or integrated circuit, is a series of electronic circuits printed onto a conducting material, usually silicon. They form the physical building blocks used to make computers and run software. A modern car has more than a hundred components that contain semiconductors, and can be found in example car seats, rear-view mirrors and systems in the chassis.

Why is there a semiconductor shortage?

The demand for semiconductors is at record levels due to a boost in demand for computer gear and other electronics in combination with trade barriers and high demand for new cars with many electronic features. This has contributed to a global shortage of semiconductors that affects many industries.

How is Volvo Cars affected by the global semiconductor shortage?

The global car and electronics industries are impacted by the shortage of semiconductors and so are we. We have temporarily adjusted production in most of our manufacturing sites to adapt output to the supply situation. The purpose of these temporary actions is to stabilize the situation and, together with our suppliers, ensure that we can resume full production as soon as possible.

What is Volvo Cars doing to mitigate the shortage?

We are working closely with both suppliers and logistics partners to minimize the impact and secure supply for all our plants globally.