27 Oct 2022

Bi-directional charging in new Volvo EX90 to power homes, maximise energy use

New Volvo EX90 to be a ‘battery on wheels’ to power homes and recharge at off-peak times.

Illustration showing power sources for recharging car

The new Volvo EX90, to be unveiled on November 9, will be the first Volvo car to include bi-directional charging - an efficient feature that lets it power your home, recharge at low-demand times, and charge electric items while on the go.

While society is increasing its electrification, the increase in demand for electricity from electric cars can lead to a significant strain on the grid - Volvo Cars wants to alleviate this. Electric cars can be a “virtual powerplant” with bi-directional charging, Olivier Loedel, Head of Electrification Ecosystem, said, and function as a large battery on wheels.

“With the Volvo EX90 you can power your life,” says Head of Electrification Ecosystem Olivier Loedel.

“You could use its battery in many ways, from topping up your electric bike when you’re out and about, to hooking up an outdoor cooking appliance for your weekend camping trip. It could even power your house during the expensive peak hours of the day.”

Initially becoming available in selected markets, bi-directional charging has the potential to help you make your energy utilisation cheaper, more efficient and sustainable. Paired with smart-charging technology coming to the Volvo Cars smartphone app, the Volvo EX90 will allow you to charge your car when demand from the grid and prices are low – usually meaning there are more renewable sources in the energy mix – and save that stored energy to be used later.

“We believe in a future where our customers can support the grid using this technology, enabling a more efficient and sustainable use of electricity in everyday life,”

Along with being able to charge appliances and other devices, your car will ultimately be able to lend a helping hand and give some of its charge to other compatible Volvos. On the flip side, if you’re about to run out of juice, don’t worry. You can accept the same help from other Volvo cars as well.

Depending on rules specific to each energy market, bi-directional charging could also allow customers to support the grid in different ways.

“We believe in a future where our customers can support the grid using this technology, enabling a more efficient and sustainable use of electricity in everyday life,” Loedel said.

The small print

Future technology and features are described, and capabilities may vary. Features may not be available in all markets and will not be standard in all markets or for all models.

The bi-directional charging offer will initially be launched in selected markets. We are currently investigating which use cases we will be able to offer in different markets.

We will equip the Volvo EX90 with the necessary hardware to support the grid, and we are currently assessing in which markets it would be possible to offer this to our customers.
