In colder weather, the car's fuel-driven heater can be activated during warming-up. The heater starts automatically when extra heat is required and is switched off automatically when not required.
If you do not want the car's fuel-driven heater to start during preconditioning, activate Indoor parking, see Preconditioning - parking inside. However, this may prolong the warming-up time.
The fuel-driven heater cannot be started during driving or preconditioning if the outside temperature exceeds 15 °C. At -5 °C or lower the maximum running time of the heater is 50 minutes during preconditioning.
If the fuel level in the tank is too low then the fuel-driven heater is prevented from starting, with inadequate heating as a result.

Fuel which spills out could be ignited. Switch off the fuel-driven auxiliary heater before starting to refuel.
Check in the combined instrument panel that the heater is switched off. The heat symbol is shown when it is operating.
Parking on a hill
If the car is parked on a steep hill, the front of the car should point downhill to ensure that there is a supply of fuel to the fuel-driven heater.
Starter battery and fuel
If the starter battery has insufficient charge or if the fuel level is too low, the heater will be switched off automatically and a message is shown in the combined instrument panel. Acknowledge the message by pressing the indicator stalk OK button once.