Unlocking the tailgate with a key button

There is a button on the key to unlock the tailgate only.
16w17 - SPA - Unlock/open tailgate with remote key button
Press the key's P5-1646-x90-Remote key icon for trunk opening/closing button.

The tailgate is unlocked and can be opened from the outside.

The side doors are still locked and the alarm is armed*. The lock and alarm indicator on the instrument panel extinguishes in order to show that the entire car is not locked.

If the tailgate is not opened within 2 minutes then it is relocked and the alarm is re-armed.

Power operated tailgate*

Hold the key's P5-1646-x90-Remote key icon for trunk opening/closing button depressed for a couple of seconds.
The tailgate is unlocked and opened, while the side doors remain locked and their alarm functions armed*.


If the system for the power operated tailgate* works continuously for a long time, it is deactivated in order not to overload it. It can be used again after a few minutes.
  1. *Option/accessory.