Towing capacity and towball load

Towing capacity and towball load for driving with a trailer can be read in the tables.

Max. weight braked trailer


The use of a stabiliser hitch on the towing bracket is recommended for trailers heavier than 1800 kg.
EngineEngine code1GearboxMax. weight braked trailer (kg)Max. towball load (kg)
AllAllAll 120050
T4B4164TAutomatic, MPS6160075
T5B4204T11Automatic, TG-81SC180090
T5B4204T15Automatic, TG-81SC180090
T6 AWDB6304T4Automatic, TF-80SC 200090
D2D4162TManual, MMT6130075
D2D4162TAutomatic, MPS6130075
D4D5204T3Manual, M66160075
D4D5204T3Automatic, TF-80SC2 / TF-80SD3160075
D4D4204T5Manual, M66180090
D4D4204T5Automatic, TG-81SC180090
D5D5244T15Automatic, TF-80SC200090
D5 AWDD5244T15Automatic, TF-80SC 200090

Max. weight unbraked trailer

Max. weight unbraked trailer (kg)Max. towball load (kg)
  1. 1Engine code, component and serial number can be read on the engine; see Type designations.
  2. 2Without Start/Stop.
  3. 3With Start/Stop.