Warning and indicator symbols

The driver display symbols tell you the status of different systems in your car. Some indicate whether a system is active and operating as it should, and others alert you to important information or detected faults.

Symbol types and colours

Some symbols are warnings that require immediate action, while others indicate the current status of specific functions. The symbol colour roughly signifies the level of importance. Red symbols are the most critical while amber symbols represent less urgent warnings and alerts. Symbols of other colours typically convey status information about the car's functions.


Be sure to look up the meaning of symbols you are unfamiliar with. Many symbols will appear with a notification providing more information.
WarningA fault is detected that could affect safety or your car's ability to drive.
Brake system warningA fault is detected in the brake system. Take immediate action and contact an authorised Volvo workshop.
Parking brake warningContinuous illumination indicates that the parking brake is engaged. Flashing indicates a parking brake fault.
Electrical system fault warningA fault is detected in the car's electrical system. Take immediate action and contact an authorised Volvo workshop.
Emergency callThere is an issue with the emergency call system.
Seatbelt reminderSomeone in the car isn't wearing their seatbelt.
Airbag fault warningA fault is detected with the airbags. Take immediate action and contact an authorised Volvo workshop.
Collision risk warningThere is a risk of collision with another vehicle, a pedestrian, a cyclist or a large animal.
High engine temperatureThe engine is too hot.
Low oil pressureThe engine's oil pressure is too low.
InformationA problem has occurred in one of the car's systems.
Brake system warningA fault is detected in the brake system.
Anti-lock braking system warningThe anti-lock braking system is disengaged. The friction brakes still function but without anti-lock braking.
Emission control system warningA fault is detected in the emission control system. Contact an authorised Volvo workshop and have the car checked.
Lane keeping aid faultThere is a fault with the lane keeping aid system.1
Left lane keeping aid warningYou are too close to or crossing over the lane markings on the left-hand side of the car.
Right lane keeping aid warningYou are too close to or crossing over the lane markings on the right-hand side of the car.
Tyre pressure warningConstant illumination indicates low tyre pressure. Flashing followed by constant illumination indicates a system fault or inability to measure the tyre pressure.
Stability system alertA flashing symbol indicates that the stability system is intervening. A fault in the system is indicated by a constant glow.
Stability system offThe stability system is turned off.
Reduced performance alertThe car's performance is reduced.
Collision risk system issueThe collision risk system is not available or is working with reduced performance.
Rear fog light onThe rear fog light is on.
Headlight system malfunctionThere is an issue with the headlight system.
Automatic high beam activeThe automatic high beam is active.
Manual high beam onThe manual high beam is on.
Automatic hold is activeThe automatic hold braking function is active. The car automatically brakes while stationary.
Left-hand direction indicatorThe left direction indicator is active and indicating a left turn.
Right-hand direction indicatorThe right direction indicator is active and indicating a right turn.
Position lightsThe position lights are on.
Automatic high beam enabledThe automatic high beam is enabled.
Car key not detectedThe car couldn't detect the key when the car was started.
Driver alertThe Driver alert function is active.
PreconditioningThe car's preconditioning is active.
Traction battery chargingThe traction battery is charging.
Traction battery maintaining chargeThe traction battery is maintaining its charge.
Lane keeping aid active and left road markings detectedLane keeping aid is active and has detected the road markings on the left-hand side of the car.
Lane keeping aid active and right road markings detectedLane keeping aid is active and has detected the road markings on the right-hand side of the car.
Lane keeping aid active and road markings detectedLane keeping aid is active and has detected the road markings on both sides of the car.
Lane keeping aid active and no road markings detectedLane keeping aid is active and has not detected the road markings.
Lane keeping aid offLane keeping aid is turned off.
Rain sensorThe rain sensor is active and the front wipers are in auto mode.
  1. 1When a fault is indicated, the function is disabled.