Label location

Knowing the car's type designation, vehicle identification and engine numbers can facilitate all contact with an authorised Volvo dealer regarding the car and when ordering spare parts and accessories.

Certification label. Type designation, vehicle identification number, maximum permissible weights, colour code, and type approval number. The decal is positioned on the door pillar, and will be visible when the left-hand front door is opened.

Decal for A/C system for cars with refrigerant R1234yf.

Decal for A/C system for cars with refrigerant R134a.

Label for parking heater.

Decal for engine code and the engine's serial number. For certain engine alternatives there is no decal. In these cases, the engraved engine code can be read directly on the engine instead.

Label for engine oil.

Decal for gearbox type designation and serial number.

Decal for the car's identification number - VIN (Vehicle Identification Number).