Electric motor specifications

Twin Motor is powered by two electric motors (front and rear), while Single Motor is powered by one electric motor (rear).

Electric motor

Twin MotorSingle Motor Extended Range
FrontElectric motor typeAsynchronous motor
Electric motor modelDAEAC
Max output, electric motorkW110
Max torque, electric motorNm250
ft. lbs184
RearElectric motor typePermanent-magnet synchronous motorPermanent-magnet synchronous motor
Electric motor modelCCEDFCCJDG
Max output, electric motorkW190185
Max torque, electric motorNm420420
ft. lbs310310
TotalMax output, vehiclekW300185
Max torque, vehicleNm670420
ft. lbs494310


Not all electric motor variants are available on all markets.


If electric motor data is not shown in the table, it will be updated at a later time.