Tools and equipment

Your car is equipped with some tools that may be useful in certain situations. For example, if you need to change a wheel.

The tools and equipment in your car are stored in different places, such as under the bonnet, in the glove box and in the boot. Be sure to familiarise yourself with where everything is stored so you don't have to search for something when you need it.


Store tools appropriately

Always store loose tools and equipment in designated storage areas when not in use. Otherwise, they can cause damage or injury in the event of a collision.

Read all instructions before using tools

Before use, make sure you read and understand all the relevant instructions for tools and equipment, where available.

Contact Volvo support for recommendations concerning tools and equipment for your car.

Towing eye

Towing eye

The towing eye can be attached to the car's bumper to enable towing. It can also be used to secure roof-loaded objects that are longer than the roof. When changing a wheel, the towing eye can be screwed onto the wheel wrench to make an extended handle.

Temporary puncture repair kit

Temporary puncture repair kit

Your car is equipped with a temporary puncture repair kit which can be used to repair a minor puncture in a tyre.