Information symbols

The following tables list the most common warning and indicator lights and symbols and a reference to where more detailed information can be found.

Symbol varning - text: The red warning symbol illuminates to indicate a problem related to safety and/or drivability. A message will also appear in the main instruments panel's display.

Symbol information läs displaytext - text: The information symbol illuminates and a text message is displayed to provide the driver with necessary information about one of the vehicle's systems.

Information symbols in the instrument panel

P4-1246-Symbol_accAdaptive Cruise Control *Adaptive Cruise Control – introduction
P3-0720 Symbol farthållare 2Adaptive Cruise Control *Adaptive Cruise Control – introduction
P4-1246-Symbol_time set accAdaptive Cruise Control *Adaptive Cruise Control – introduction
P4-1246-Symbol_time set acc 2Adaptive Cruise Control * (Distance alert)Adaptive Cruise Control – introduction
P4-1246-Symbol Radar BlockeradRadar sensor*Radar sensor
P4-1246-Symbol Kamera BlockeradCamera sensor, laser sensorCollision warning – limitationsCity Safety – Laser sensor
Symbol Krockvarning AvCollision Warning with Full Auto-brake and Pedestrian Detection*Collision warning – symbols and messages
P4-1246 Symbol ABL and GDLActive Bending Lights (ABL)*Active Bending Lights (ABL)
P3-746 Symbol Driver Allert PausDriver Alert System*Driver Alert System
P4-1246-Symbol Kaffe-PAUSDriver Alert System*Driver Alert System
P3 V60H Symbol parkeringsbroms 2Parking brakeParking brake – general information
Symbol regnsensorn 1Rain sensor*Rain sensor
P4-1220-Y55X Symbol AHB, helljus, DIM High-LineActive High Beams (AHB)*Active high beams (AHB)
P4-1220-Y55X Symbol Kamera blockeradWindshield sensor*Active high beams (AHB)
P4-1246-Symbol Lane-Keeping-Aid-!

Driver Alert System* (Lane Departure Warning/Lane Keeping Aid)

Lane Departure Warning (LDW) – introduction

P4-1220-Symbol_driver alert

Driver Alert System* (Lane Departure Warning/Lane Keeping Aid)

Lane Departure Warning (LDW) – introduction

P3-1246-Symbol Lane Departure Warning

Driver Alert System* (Lane Departure Warning/Lane Keeping Aid)

Lane Departure Warning (LDW) – introduction

P3-0946 Symbol TankluckaFuel tank on passenger's side of the vehicleRefueling – opening/closing fuel filler door
  1. *Option/accessory.