Category | USA | Canada |
Gross vehicle weight 4-cyl. AWD (All Wheel Drive) | 4870 lbs | 2210 kg |
Capacity weight 4-cyl. AWD (All Wheel Drive) | 990 lbs | 450 kg |
Permissible axle weights, front 4-cyl. AWD (All Wheel Drive) | 2700 lbs | 1225 kg |
Permissible axle weights, rear 4-cyl. AWD | 2300 lbs | 1045 kg |
Curb weight | 3890 - 3910 lbs | 1760 - 1765 kg |
Max. roof load | 165 lbs | 75 kg |
Max. trailer weights Without brakes With brakes With brakes | N/A N/A N/A | N/A N/A N/A |
Max. tongue weight | N/A | N/A |