Prices shown include applicable fees based on province and the lowest available package level. Federal Luxury Tax and sales taxes extra. Fees may vary by region and/or retailer. Detailed pricing summary available upon selecting your retailer. Retailer may sell for less. Contact your retailer for information on specific fees and final pricing. Prices and payments are subject to change without notice.
Prices shown include applicable fees based on province and the lowest available package level. Federal Luxury Tax and sales taxes extra. Fees may vary by region and/or retailer. Detailed pricing summary available upon selecting your retailer. Retailer may sell for less. Contact your retailer for information on specific fees and final pricing. Prices and payments are subject to change without notice.
Prices shown include applicable fees based on province and the lowest available package level. Federal Luxury Tax and sales taxes extra. Fees may vary by region and/or retailer. Detailed pricing summary available upon selecting your retailer. Retailer may sell for less. Contact your retailer for information on specific fees and final pricing. Prices and payments are subject to change without notice.
FunctionSeeControls for menus and messages, turn signals, high/low beams, trip computerMy Car – introduction, Turn signals, Lighting panel, Trip computer – introduction Paddles for manually shifting gears*Transmission – GeartronicCruise controlCruise control (CC) – introductionHorn, airbagSteering wheel, Front airbagsMain instrument panelInformation displays – introductionInfotainment system/Bluetooth hands-free controlsInfotainment, Bluetooth® hands-free system – overviewSTART/STOP ENGINE buttonInserting/removing remote keyIgnition slotInserting/removing remote keyDisplay for infotainment system functions and menusInfotainment, Information display – menu controlsDoor handle-In-door control panels (power windows, mirrors, central locking button)Power windows, Power door mirrors, Locking/unlocking – from insideHazard warning flashersHazard warning flashers Controls for the infotainment system and menus My Car – introduction,Infotainment, Electronic climate control (ECC)Climate system controlsElectronic climate control (ECC)Gear selectorTransmission – general informationNot in use-Wipers and washersWindshield wipers, Windshield washerSteering wheel adjustmentSteering wheelHood opening controlMaintenance – opening/closing hoodParking brakeParking brake – general informationPower seat* adjustment controlsFront seats – power seatLighting panel, buttons for opening fuel filler door and unlocking and opening the trunkLighting panel, Refueling – opening/closing fuel filler door, Locking/unlocking – trunk