Volvo On Call is connected to the vehicle's airbag and alarm systems. The vehicle has an integrated Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) module that handles communication between the vehicle and the Volvo On Call customer service center.

The SOS and ON CALL buttons form the basis for communication between the vehicle and the Volvo On Call customer service center.
- SOS button: press in emergency situations.
- ON CALL button: press to contact the customer service center when roadside assistance is required.
See also Using Volvo On Call for additional information.
From the time that the remote key has been removed from the vehicle, Volvo On Call's functions remain available for 5 full days and subsequently once an hour for the following three weeks. After three weeks have elapsed, the system will remain switched off until the engine is started.
Volvo On Call uses GPS (Global Positioning System) to locate the vehicle and its integrated GSM module to enable communication with the Volvo On Call customer service center.
The system can only function in areas where there is adequate cellular network coverage.
Just as in the case of cell phones, atmospheric disturbances or areas with relatively few GSM transmitters can make it impossible for Volvo On Call to make a connection, for example, in rural areas.
A free trial subscription is initiated when the vehicle is purchased and Volvo On Call is activated. The subscription has a time limit but can be extended by contacting your Volvo retailer.
Convenience services
- The Volvo On Call mobile app.
Safety services
Security services
Change of owners
When the vehicle changes owners, it is essential to transfer the Volvo On Call subscription to the new owner, see Changing ownership of a vehicle with Volvo On Call.
Information on the Internet
Go to or for additional information about Volvo On Call.
Volvo ID
A personal Volvo ID makes it possible to e.g., log onto the Volvo On Call mobile app. Your Sensus Infotainment supplement contains information about creating a Volvo ID and the features it offers.
Geographic coverage
Volvo On Call is available in the United States and Canada.