One of the vehicle's remote keys must be within range for locking and unlocking to be possible.
Please be aware that the system could be activated in a car wash if the remote key is within range.
Keyless locking
All of the doors have to be closed before the vehicle can be locked. However, the trunk lid can be open when a door handle is used for locking.
To lock, touch the marked area on the outside of one of the door handles after the door is closed or press the button on the lower edge of the trunk lid1 before it is closed.
The lock indicator light in the windshield will flash to confirm that the vehicle is locked.
To close all door windows at the same time - place your finger on the pressure-sensitive indentation on the outside of the door handle and hold it there until the side windows have closed.
Locking when the trunk lid is open
If the vehicle is locked and the trunk lid is still open, make sure that the remote key is not left in the trunk when the trunk lid is closed and the entire vehicle is locked2.
Keyless unlocking
To unlock, grasp a door handle or press the rubberized pressure plate on the underside of the trunk lid handle.
The lock indicator light in the windshield will go out to confirm that the vehicle is unlocked. Open the doors or trunk lid as usual.
Automatic relocking
If none of the doors or trunk lid are opened within two minutes after being unlocked, they will automatically relock. This function reduces the risk of inadvertently leaving the vehicle unlocked.