
App view provides access to the vehicle's preinstalled and downloaded apps.

Tap the icon for App view iCup-2037-App view symbol at the bottom of the center display to go to App view and start the radio*, navigation system, phone or another app1.

Several basic apps are always available. More apps such as web radio and music services can be downloaded when the car is connected to the Internet.

Some apps can only be used when the vehicle is connected to the Internet.

All apps used should be updated to the latest version. This provides access to the latest updates and functions.

Apps close down

If an app closes down unexpectedly, try the following:

  • open the app again
  • check to see if an app update is available:
    • Open App view iCup-2037-App view symbol and tap Google Play. Press iCup-23w17-Menu view symbol and select your apps to see if any need to be updated. Update to the latest version.
  • restart the system by pressing the home button for approx. 20 seconds
  • uninstall and reinstall the app.
  1. *Option/accessory.
  2. 1The most recently used apps are always available from Home view.