Locking and unlocking from inside the vehicle

There are several lock buttons inside the vehicle. The inner door handles can also be used to unlock the vehicle from the inside.

Central locking

The central locking buttons in the front door lock or unlock the entire vehicle.

16w17 - P5 - Central locking front door

Unlocking using the front door buttons

Press the P5-1507 Central locking icon - unlock button to unlock all side doors and the tailgate.

Unlocking using the front door handle

Pull one of the front side door's inner handles and release.
The vehicle is unlocked. Depending on settings, either only the selected door is unlocked or all doors are unlocked.

Locking using the front door buttons

Press the P5-1507 Central locking icon - lock button (both front doors must be closed).

All doors and the tailgate will lock.

Locking using the rear door button*

16w17 - P5 - Central locking rear door
Button with indicator light for locking/unlocking in rear door.

The lock buttons in the rear doors lock/unlock that particular door.

Unlocking a rear door using the door handle

Pull the opening handle to unlock the rear door.
Pull the opening handle again to open the rear door1.
  1. *Option/accessory.
  2. 1If the child lock is not activated.