Phone settings

When the phone is connected to the car, the following settings can be made:
Tap Settings in the Top view.

Tap CommunicationPhone and select settings:

  • Ringtones - select a ring tone. Ring tones from the cellular phone or the vehicle can be used. Some phones are not fully compatible and it may not be possible to use the phone's ring tones in the vehicle.
  • Sort Order - select sort order in the contact list.


For some phones, the phone's Bluetooth volume must be manually set to 100% for the audio volume in the vehicle to be sufficiently high. This setting needs to be adjusted for each connected phone. The setting is adjusted separately for phone calls and media streaming. The system will then remember the setting and it will not need to be repeated the next time the phone is connected.

Call notifications in head up display*

Tap Settings in the center display's Top view.
Tap My CarDisplaysHead-Up Display Options.
Select Show Phone.
  1. *Option/accessory.