Location of decals

When contacting Volvo retailers with questions about the vehicle or to order spare parts and accessories, it can help to have the vehicle's type designation, chassis number and engine code.

Decal for type designation, chassis number, maximum permitted weights, exterior color codes and type approval numbers. The placard is located on the door pillar and is visible when the right-side rear door is opened.

Decal for A/C system for vehicles with R1234yf refrigerant.

Decal for A/C system for vehicles with R134a refrigerant.

Decal for parking heater.

Decal for engine code and engine serial number. For some engine variants, there is no decal. Instead, the engine code is engraved directly on the engine.

Decal for engine oil.

Decal for transmission type designation and serial number.

Decal for VIN (Vehicle Identification Number). The decal is located above the upper left-hand side of the dashboard and can be seen through the windshield.
The vehicle's registration card contains additional information about the vehicle.