Symbols in the center display status bar

Overview of symbols displayed in the center display status bar.

The status bar shows current vehicle activities and in certain cases, also their status. Due to the limited space in the status bar, not all symbols will be displayed at all times.

P5–1717–Symbol in status bar–Internet on
Connected to the Internet.
P5–1507–Symbol in status bar–Roaming
Roaming activated.
P5–1507–Symbol in status bar–Signal strength
Cell phone network signal strength.
P5–1507–Symbol in status bar–BT connected
Bluetooth device connected.
P5–1507–Symbol in status bar–BT activated and none connected
Bluetooth activated but no device connected.
P5–1717–Symbol in status bar–Information sent to/from GPS
Information sent to and from GPS.
P5–1507–Symbol in status bar–Wi-Fi connected
Connected to Wi-Fi network.
P5–1507–Symbol in status bar–Wi-Fi hotspot active
Tethering activated (Wi-Fi hotspot). This means that the vehicle shares an available Internet connection.
P5–1507–Symbol in status bar–P-SIM activated
Vehicle modem activated.
P5–1717–Symbol in status bar–USB active
USB sharing active.
P6–1817–XC40-Symbol in status bar–Wireless charging
Phone is wirelessly charging.
P5–1507–Symbol in status bar–System processing
Action in progress.
P5–1717–Symbol in status bar–Active parking timer
Timer for preconditioning active.1
P5–1507–Symbol in status bar–Audio source is playing
Audio source being played.
P5–1507–Symbol in status bar–Audio source paused
Audio source paused.
P5–1507–Symbol in status bar–Ongoing phone call
Phone call in progress.
P5–1507–Symbol in status bar–Sound muted
Audio source muted.
P5–1507–Symbol in status bar–TP NEWS receives
News broadcasts from current radio station.2
P5–1507–Symbol in status bar–TP receives
Traffic information being received.2
P5–1507–Symbol in status bar–Clock
  1. 1Only hybrid models.
  2. 2Not available in all markets.