
The App view contains applications (apps) that provide access to certain vehicle services.

Swipe the center display screen from right to left1 to access the App view from the Home view. This view displays downloaded apps (third-party apps) as well as apps for integrated functions, such as FM radio.

P6-17w46-XC40-Application view (no CD)
App view. (generic illustration; basic apps vary depending on market and model)

Several basic apps are always available. More apps such as web radio and music services can be downloaded when the car is connected to the Internet.

Some apps can only be used when the vehicle is connected to the Internet.

Start an app by pressing the app in the center display's app view.

All apps used should be updated to the latest version.

  1. 1Applies for left-hand drive vehicles. For right-hand drive vehicles, swipe in the other direction.