Handling the spare wheel

Follow these instructions regarding handling the spare wheel1.

Accessing the spare wheel

P5-1917-Spare tire screw
This illustration is generic and appearance may vary.

Vehicles with 48 V support battery.

The spare tire is located in the spare wheel well under the cargo compartment with the outside of the wheel facing upward. The spare tire is secured with a bolt that goes through the tire and attaches it to the body. The foam block contains all tools needed to change a wheel.

Lift the rear edge of the cargo compartment floor.
Unscrew the retaining bolt.
Lift out the spare wheel.

Accessing the spare wheel

P5-1717-XC60-Spare wheel
This illustration is generic and appearance may vary.

Vehicles without 48 V support battery.

The spare tire is located under the floor of the cargo compartment and is held in place by a strap. The foam block contains all tools needed to change a wheel.

Lift the rear edge of the cargo compartment floor.
Release the straps and lift out the spare wheel.

Stowing a flat tire

Screw the spare tire's retaining bolt back on.


Do not attempt to unscrew the lower part of the retaining bolt if it is attached to the body, as this could cause it to break.

If the retaining bolt becomes dislodged from its lower attachment point in the body under the spare tire, replace it in the hole and turn clockwise to secure it again.


On vehicles with 48 V batteries, the bolt is attached to the battery box instead of the body. If the lower part of the retaining bolt is not dislodged when the spare tire is taken out, it should be removed to help prevent injury when the flat tire is replaced.
Put the tools back in their correct positions in the foam block.
Then lower the trunk/cargo compartment floor and place the punctured tire in the trunk/cargo compartment.
  1. 1Not available on all models.