HD Radio means that both analogue and digital signals are sent. If the digital signal cannot be used, it automatically switches over to the analog signal.
When HD Radio is used, a symbol appears in the center display. The symbol changes color depending on which signal is used.
HD Radio is deactivated when the car leaves the factory. It is activated and deactivated in the radio settings via the center display.
Switching between analogue and digital signal
- the volume is increased or decreased
- sound settings will be temporarily changed
- time sink not correct2.
This is normal and not a sign that something is wrong. Like all radio transmission technology, terrain, time of day, vegetation and buildings can affect radio reception.
Main channels and subchannels
There can be up to 7 HD Radio channels on the same frequency. They are marked "HD-1", "HD-2", etc. The main channel is "HD-1" and is the only one that receives both analog and digital signals. The subchannels only receive digital signals. Both main channel and sub channel can be saved as favorites.
Ball game mode
When, for example, a live event such as a sports match is broadcast, HD Radio is set to prioritize time sync over sound quality. Then only the main channel's analogue signal is used to avoid delay.