Maps is updated continuously with traffic information and information from parking spots, charging stations and connected Google accounts.
The functions listed are only examples. For up-to-date information on which functions are available and how they work, go to
Traffic information
If traffic is moving slowly, the map will show orange or red lines, depending on traffic speed. If the vehicle loses its Internet connection, the colored lines will disappear after a few minutes because this information will no longer be current. Updated traffic information will be shown again once the connection has been reestablished. The map also shows information about different types of obstacles, such as road construction or accidents.
If any accidents or other obstacles are detected along the current route and another faster route is identified, Maps will suggest an alternative route.
Alternative route
When a destination is entered, a route will be suggested along with alternative routes. The suggestions are based on system settings, traffic information, estimated range, travel time, etc. To choose an alternative route, select the route in the list of suggested routes or steer the vehicle in the direction of that route, so-called decide by steering.
If you change route during the trip, Google Maps will dynamically redirect you based on current traffic patterns so that you can avoid traffic congestion.