Driver profiles

Many of the vehicle's settings can be customized to the driver's personal preferences and saved in one or more driver profiles.

These personal settings are automatically saved in the active driver profile. Each key can be linked to one driver profile. When the linked key is used, the vehicle is customized to the specific settings of that driver profile.

Which settings are saved in driver profiles?

Many of the settings made in the vehicle will be automatically stored in the active driver profile if the profile is not protected. The vehicle has settings that can be made either personal or global. The personal settings are saved in driver profiles.

Settings that can be saved in a driver profile include, among other things, screens, mirrors, front seats, navigation*, audio and media system and language.

Some settings are global settings. These settings can be changed but are not saved to a specific driver profile. Changes to global settings affect all profiles.

Global settings

Global settings and parameters do not change when driver profiles are changed. They remain the same regardless of which driver profile is currently active.

Keyboard layout is an example of a global setting. If driver profile X is used to add additional keyboard languages, these languages will also be available for driver profile Y. The settings for keyboard layout are not saved to a specific driver profile - the settings are global.

Personal settings

If driver profile X has been used to e.g., set the brightness for the center display, driver profile Y will not be affected by this setting. It will only be saved to driver profile X because brightness setting is a personal setting.

  1. *Option/accessory.