Immobilized vehicle and recovery

If you can't drive your vehicle, it’s considered immobilized. You can always contact an authorized Volvo workshop if you’re unable to find a solution in the manual or if you are uncertain about how to proceed.

Depending on the nature of the problem, you may be able to solve it on your own or with assistance from an authorized Volvo workshop or other services. In this part of the manual, you will find a number of scenarios and how to handle them safely.

In a situation where there are injuries or risk of injury, prioritize safety and medical needs over vehicle recovery. Don’t hesitate to contact emergency services if necessary.

The following scenarios have their own manual sections that can help you identify the underlying issue and what the necessary steps for recovery are.
  • The vehicle malfunctions and the vehicle can't be used as intended.
  • The battery is dead and the vehicle is unresponsive.
  • There is physical damage to the vehicle. The damage can make the vehicle unsuitable to drive or cause immobilization. Even superficial damage needs to be evaluated to ensure that you can safely use the vehicle.

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