XC40 Recharge

Design your XC40 Recharge

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Select options below to personalise your car, then review our online offers and find the terms that work best for you.

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Legal DisclaimerImages and photographs on this website are for general guidance only and do not necessarily reflect the exact specifications or features of the model concerned. Please confirm exact specifications, features and availability with your local Volvo dealer.
Service and maintenance DisclaimerService and maintenance services are valid for 3 years from the date of delivery or up to 100,000 km (whichever comes first). Service and maintenance services cover regular service maintenance every 24 months or 30 000 km (whichever comes first) and includes replacement of the following wear parts: brake pads and discs (if necessary) and wipers rails (1× per year). Service and maintenance services do not include replacement of wear parts not specifically mentioned above.
Insurance & Warranty DisclaimerVolvo warranty valid for 3 years or 100,000 km (whichever comes first) and 8 years / 160,000 km high-voltage battery warranty. Accident insurance and compulsory contractual insurance for 3 years. Guide price, which depends on many factors such as the type of entity (Natural/Legal entity).
Environmental DisclaimerThe values of the reported fuel consumption and CO2 emissions have been established on the basis of the newly established Worldwide Harmonised Light Vehicles Test Procedure (WLTP) and are measured in accordance with the Real Drive Emission (RDE) test procedure for real-world driving emissions. The engines meet the requirements of the EURO 6d emission standard. Adding and removing items that affect your Volva's fuel consumption and CO2 emissions will change your environmental load in line with WLTP.