Stop charging of hybrid battery

Finish charging by unlocking the car, unplugging the charging cable from the car's charging input socket and then from the 230 VAC socket1.


Always unlock the car so that charging is stopped before the connection to the 230 VAC socket is unplugged. Note that the charging cable must be unplugged from the car's charging input socket before being unplugged from the 230 VAC socket, partly to avoid damage to the system and partly to avoid stopping the charging unintentionally.
P5-1519-XC90 Hybrid-Unlock car
P5-Icon gray box 1

Unlock the car with the remote control key - charging is finished and the charging cable's locked plug releases/is unlocked.

P5-1519-XC90Hybrid-Plug out cable from car
P5-Icon gray box 2

Unplug the cable from the car's charging input socket, refit the charging input socket's cover and close the hatch.

P5-1519-XC90Hybrid-Plug out cable from house
P5-Icon gray box 3

Unplug the cable from the 230 VAC socket.

Return the charging cable to the storage space under the cargo area floor.

  1. 1The voltage in the socket may vary depending on market.