Function view - car functions that are activated or deactivated with a press. Certain functions are also so-called trigger functions, which means they open a window with setting options. Examples of these include .
Home view - the first view that is shown when the screen is started.
Application view (app view) - apps that have been downloaded (third-party apps) and apps for embedded functions, such as . Tap on an app icon to open the app.
Status bar - the activities in the car are shown right at the top of the screen. Network and connection information is shown on the left-hand side of the status bar, while media-related information, the clock and indication about on-going background activity are shown on the right.
Top view - drag the tab down in order to access the top view. , , and the car's saved messages are accessed from here. In some cases contextual settings (e.g. ) and the contextual owner's manual (e.g. ) can also be accessed in the top view.
Navigation - leads to map navigation, with e.g. Sensus Navigation*. Tap on the subview to expand it.
Media - recently used apps associated with media. Tap on the subview to expand it.
Phone - the phone function can be reached from here. Tap on the subview to expand it.
Extra subview - recently used apps or car functions that do not belong in any of the other subviews. Tap on the subview to expand it.
Climate row - information and direct interaction to set temperature and seat heating for example*. Tap on the symbol in the centre of the climate row in order to open the climate view with more setting options.
If necessary, the climate control can be used to cool the media system in the centre display. In these cases, the message Climate system Cooling the infotainment system is shown in the driver display.