Article version 2023.310.0

Legal notice

Effective from:

Published at:


The information provided on this website and on Volvo Cars apps is for general guidance only and cannot replace the detailed information available from Volvo dealers. The content of the websites and apps is updated regularly, but Volvo Cars reserves the right to amend prices, colours, materials, specifications and models at any time and without notice. Therefore, information may be presented that is not entirely accurate and up to date. Cars and other products shown may be provided with equipment that is not available in all markets or is not part of the standard equipment. Your Volvo dealer always has up-to-date information on models, prices and offers.

No warranties or representations

Under no circumstances will Volvo Cars be liable for any losses incurred as a result of using Volvo Cars websites and apps. This applies without limitation to loss of profit, business interruption, loss of programs or other data in the user's information management system or otherwise.

Volvo Cars makes no warranties and/or representations whatsoever with regard to other websites and apps that may be accessed via this website. These pages are provided for your convenience only and do not imply that Volvo Cars endorses or accepts responsibility for their content or use. The user is responsible for ensuring that the content is free from viruses, worms, Trojans and other destructive elements.

The reproduction of exact colour shades for paints and upholstery may be misleading due to monitor quality and/or settings, for example. Volvo Cars therefore recommends a visit to your Volvo dealer to view actual paint and upholstery samples.

The information published on Volvo Cars websites and apps may contain references or cross-references to Volvo Cars products, services, etc. that are not advertised or available in Sweden. Volvo Cars cannot guarantee the accuracy of such information.

Comments, questions and suggestions

Please note that all information, spontaneous suggestions, ideas and other contributions communicated via Volvo Cars websites and apps will be regarded as non-confidential and not subject to copyright. By sending information or materials, you grant Volvo Cars an unrestricted and irrevocable right to use, reproduce, display, perform, modify, transmit and distribute those materials or information. You also agree that Volvo Cars is entitled to use any ideas, concepts, know-how or technology that you submit for any purpose whatsoever.

Software available on the website

The copyright in any software that is available to download from this website is owned by Volvo Cars and/or its suppliers. The use of the software is governed by the terms of the end-user licence that accompanies or is included with the software. The software is made available for download for end-user use only, unless specified otherwise in the licence agreement. Any reproduction or further distribution of the software in violation of the licence agreement may result in prosecution and legal action. Copying or reproducing the software to any other server or location for further reproduction or distribution is prohibited. If there is a warranty for the software, it is limited under the terms of the licence agreement. Volvo Cars disclaims all warranties beyond the licence agreement, including all implied warranties and conditions of marketability, fitness for a particular purpose, title and non-infringement.