The alarm is enabled when you lock the car from the outside and disabled when you unlock it.
Attempting to open a locked door triggers the alarm. The car tells you when it is unlocked by folding out the door handles.
Locking with bonnet or boot open
If the bonnet or the boot is not properly closed when you lock the car, the alarm won't be fully enabled. In these cases, the alarm will only protect the side doors.
Once you close the bonnet or boot, it will lock and be covered by the alarm.
Alarm indicator
The alarm indicator is a red light located at the front centre of the car, just inside the windscreen. The indicator confirms when the alarm is enabled with a flashing red light.

Triggering the alarm
The alarm triggers when an unauthorised attempt is made to open the bonnet, boot or any door. Movement inside the car can also trigger the alarm.
- The alarm indicator and the warning lights flash for up to 5 minutes.
- The alarm sound starts.
- The alarm cycle restarts several times over if whatever triggered the alarm isn't resolved.
Stopping the alarm
Unlocking the car while the alarm is triggered will stop any alarm sounds and lights. The alarm indicator will continue to flash rapidly for a few minutes to highlight that there was a recent potential security issue.