Automatic car wash

It is important to prepare the car if it shall be washed in an automatic car wash. Follow the instructions carefully for how to handle the car before and during washing.

An automatic car wash may be a quick and easy way to clean the car, but will not reach all the parts of the car that need to be cleaned on a regular basis. Volvo recommends supplementing automatic car washing with hand washing.


Avoid washing a brand new car in an automatic car wash during the first few months. This would allow the paintwork to fully harden.

Preparations before washing

In an automatic car wash where the car is pulled through the car wash, it is important to switch off functions that prevent the car from rolling freely.

  • Secure or remove protruding exterior parts such as retrofitted auxiliary lamps and antennas.
  • Make sure that the automatic rain sensor function is deactivated. The windscreen wipers must be switched off the whole time the car is being washed to avoid the risk of damage.
  • Deactivate the automatic brake when stationary function using the button P5/P6-1917-All-Auto hold button on the tunnel console.
  • Select the parking camera view iCup-2037-Camera view symbol in the centre display and deactivate the park assist sensors and auto-brake when reversing. They may be reactivated if the car is restarted, and must be deactivated again.

During washing


Keep the windows, doors, panoramic roof* and boot lid closed the whole time the car is being washed.

If the car is equipped with keyless locking and unlocking*:

Take out the key and store it openly in the front part of the car while the car is being washed. This minimises the risk of opening the boot lid unintentionally by pressing a button, or that the key is incorrectly detected outside the car.

Keep the seatbelt fastened the whole time the car is being washed.
Drive into the car wash and stop at the designated location.
Select gear position N.


The parking brake can be applied automatically when the seatbelt is unbuckled. If the parking brake symbol is lit after gear position N has been selected, it is still active. Depress the brake pedal and the parking brake control simultaneously in order to deactivate the parking brake before driving the car into a car wash.
Set the car in ignition position 0 by turning the start knob in the tunnel console clockwise for several seconds.
The engine is switched off, and at the same time the car can roll freely.
The car travels through the automatic car wash.
Do not forget to restore the adjustments that were made before the car wash.

After washing

Press the brake pedal gently for a short time while driving after the brake linings have been exposed to the wetness. This heats the brakes with friction so that they dry more quickly and reduces the risk of corrosion.


Always test the foot brake and parking brake after washing the car in order to restore their function.
  1. *Option/accessory.