MY CAR is a menu source that handles many of the car's functions, e.g. City Safety™, locks and alarm, automatic fan speed, setting the clock, etc.

Certain functions are standard, others are optional - the range also varies depending on the market.


Navigation in the menus is carried out using buttons in the centre console or with the steering wheel's right-hand keypad*.

EXIT functions

Depending on the function the cursor is on when EXIT is depressed briefly, and on which menu level, one of the following may occur:

  • phone call is rejected
  • current function is interrupted
  • input characters are deleted
  • most recent selections are undone
  • leads up in the menu system.

A long press on EXIT leads to the normal view for MY CAR or if you are in the normal view, to the highest menu level (main source menu).

  1. *Option/accessory.