Navigation* - points of interest (POI) symbols

Shown here are examples of how symbols for different points of interest (POI) may appear.

To set which POI symbols should be shown on the map, see section Points of interest (POI) on map.


  • The symbol for a POI and the number of POIs varies between different markets.
  • Symbols may appear and others disappear in conjunction with updating the map data - you can browse through all the symbols for the relevant map system in the menu system under SettingsMap optionsPOI symbolsSelected.
Examples of POI symbols, grouped according to society function:
Px-1020-NAV-POI-ikon - VolvoåterförsäljareCar dealer/repair
Px-1020-NAV-POI-ikon - BensinstationPetrol station
1420-RTI-POI Symbol-CHN - Automobil serviceCar repair
Px-1020-NAV-POI-ikon - ParkeringParking
Px-1020-NAV-POI-ikon - TuristattraktionTourist attraction
Px-1420-NAV-POI-ikon - GolfbanaGolf
Px-1020-NAV-POI-ikon - BiografCinema
Px-1020-NAV-POI-ikon - Nöjespark

Amusement park


Px-1020-NAV-POI-ikon - RestaurangRestaurant
Px-1020-NAV-POI-ikon - KaféBar or cafe
Px-1020-NAV-POI-ikon - KöpcenterShopping centre
Px-1020-NAV-POI-ikon - HotellHotel
Px-1020-NAV-POI-ikon - Järnvägsstation

Railway transport

Railway station

Railway access

Px-1020-NAV-POI-ikon - FlygplatsAirport
Px-1020-NAV-POI-ikon - BusstationBus station
Px-1020-NAV-POI-ikon - Färjeläge/-terminalFerry terminal
Px-1020-NAV-POI-ikon - Myndighet

Government or comunity facility

Government office

Px-1020-NAV-POI-ikon - PolisstationPolice/emergency
Px-1020-NAV-POI-ikon - BibliotekLibrary
Px-1020-NAV-POI-ikon - SjukhusHospital or health care facility
Px-1020-NAV-POI-ikon - ApotekPharmacy
Px-1020-NAV-POI-ikon - Bank/Bankomat

Cash dispenser

ATM/Bank exchange

Px-1020-NAV-POI-ikon - PostPost office
Px-1020-NAV-POI-ikon - Universitet/HögskolaEducation facility
  1. *Option/accessory.