Sending car information to a workshop1

It is possible to send information for the car at any time, e.g. if you book a workshop appointment and want to help your workshop by providing them with better data so that your visit can be planned. Sending car information is not the same as booking a service appointment.
Open the Car Status app from the app view in the centre display.
Press Appointments.
Press Send car data.

A message that vehicle data are being sent is shown at the top of the centre display. You can cancel data transmission by tapping the X in the activity indicator.

The information is sent via the car's Internet connection2.

This car information can be accessed by any retailer if they have the car's identification number (VIN3).

Car information content

The data sent is the last information saved (the last time the car was running) and includes information in the following areas:

  • service requirement
  • time since last service
  • function status
  • fluid levels
  • meter reading
  • the car's vehicle identification number (VIN3)
  • the car's software version
  • the car's diagnostics data.
  1. 1Applies to certain markets.
  2. 2Data is transferred (data traffic) when using the Internet, and this may involve a cost.
  3. 3Vehicle Identification Number.