When connecting a mobile device to the car via Bluetooth
If you experience difficulties when connecting a mobile device to the car via Bluetooth:
- Check that the device's battery is sufficiently charged (a good idea can be to check that the device is charged to at least 50%)
- Check that you have Bluetooth switched on in your device and in the car
- Check that you have established a Bluetooth connection and have connected the car to the device to be used
- If possible, try to connect another device to the car via Bluetooth in order to check whether the problem is in the device or in the car
If the problem persists:
- Clear all previously added devices in the Bluetooth settings in the car
- Restart the device you want to connect
- Try to connect the device again
Playback of media via Bluetooth
If you have problems with the playback of media in the car via a mobile device:
- Try restarting the app or the source from which you want to play back media
- By playing back media from another source on the mobile device, you can check whether the problem is in the source or in the device
- Change the position of the device and check whether the playback works better
- Close apps that are open in the background
- Restart the device from which you want to play back media
If none of the above seems to help, check the Bluetooth connection between the mobile device and the car. See the section "When connecting a mobile device to the car via Bluetooth".
Audio volume
If you find that the volume is lower than expected when you use the handsfree function via Bluetooth, first check whether it is the sound settings on the mobile device that need to be adjusted up before increasing the audio volume in the car.
Some phones require that the phone's Bluetoothvolume is manually set to 100% in order for the audio volume in the car to be sufficiently high. This setting needs to be made for each phone connected. The setting is made once for phone calls and once for streaming media. The system will then remember the setting and it does not need to be repeated next time the phone is connected.