To specify a contact in the phone book, the voice recognition command must include contact information that is entered in the phone book. If a contact, e.g. Robyn Smith, has several phone numbers then the number category can also be stated, e.g. Home or Mobile: "Call Robin Smith Mobile".
and say one of the following commands:

- "Call [contact]" - dials the selected contact from the phone book.
- "Call [phone number]" - dials the phone number.
- "Recent calls" - displays the call list.
- "Read message" - message is read out. If there are several messages - select which message should be read out.
- "Message to [contact]" - users are requested to say a brief message. The message is then repeated aloud and the user can choose to send2 or revise the message. For this function to work, the car must be connected to the Internet.