Security services with Volvo On Call*

Volvo On Call provides assistance in the event of break-in or theft of the car, and can remote lock the car if the keys have been lost or locked in.

Security services are designed to minimise the risk of the owner losing his/her car. If the car is stolen, it can also be traced and possibly deactivated.

If the car is de-energised then the main battery is replaced by the standby battery for Volvo On Call.

In addition to safety and security services, certain markets offer an enhanced security system as an option.

Theft Notification (TN)

Volvo On Call sends a signal automatically to the Volvo On Call service centre in the event of break-in or theft (if the car's alarm system has been activated).

If the car's alarm system is activated then the Volvo On Call Service Centre will be notified automatically after a certain time. If the alarm is switched off using the remote control key then the service will be interrupted.

Stolen Vehicle Tracking (SVT)

If theft or other unauthorised use of the car has been discovered, then the car's owner along with the police and the Volvo On Call service centre agree that the car should be traced. The Volvo On Call service centre sends a message to the car to determine the car's position. Following which, the police or other authority are contacted.


This also applies if the car has been stolen using the associated remote control key.

Remote Door Unlock (RDU)

If the car's remote control key has been lost or locked in the car, it is possible to remotely unlock the car within the next 5 days assisted by the Volvo On Call Service Centre after the required verification with PIN code has been approved. Following which, the Volvo On Call Service Centre unlocks the car remotely according to agreement.

Remote Vehicle Immobiliser1

Monitoring and deactivation of a stolen car.

If the car is stolen then the owner or authorities contact the Volvo On Call Service Centre.


This also applies if the car has been stolen using the associated remote control key.

After having been in contact with the authorities, the Volvo On Call service centre then deactivates the remote control keys in order to prevent the car from being started. A deactivated car can only be restarted by contacting the Volvo On Call Service Centre and when the required verification with PIN code has been approved. Following which, the Volvo On Call Service Centre performs activation of the car.

  1. *Option/accessory.
  2. 1Certain markets.