
Deadlocks1 means that all door handles are mechanically disengaged, which prevents doors being opened from the inside.

The deadlocks are activated with the remote control key and are set after an approx. ten seconds delay after the doors have been locked.


If a door is opened within the delay time then the sequence is interrupted and the alarm is deactivated.

The car can only be unlocked with the remote control key when the deadlocks function is activated. The front left door can also be unlocked with the detachable key blade.


Do not allow anyone to remain in the car without first deactivating the deadlocks in order to avoid the risk of anyone being locked in.

Temporary deactivation

P4-1420-Center Console regarding My Car
Active menu options are indicated with a cross.
  1. Ikon röd cirkel 1MY CAR
  2. Ikon röd cirkel 2 OK MENU
  3. Ikon röd cirkel 3TUNE knob control
  4. Ikon röd cirkel 4EXIT

If someone is going to stay in the car but the doors must be locked from the outside, then the deadlocks function can be temporarily switched off, which is carried out in the menu system MY CAR. For a detailed description of the menu system, see MY CAR.

In MY CAR one of the following options can be selected:

  • Activate once: - The combined instrument panel then shows Locks and alarm Reduced guard and deadlocks are switched off when the car is locked, only at this time. (Note that the alarm's movement and tilt detectors* are switched off at the same time.)

During the next time the engine is started, the system is reset to zero and the combined instrument panel shows the message Locks and alarm Full guard at which the deadlocks and the alarm's movement and tilt detectors are re-engaged.

  • Ask on exit: - Each time the engine is switched off, the driver must answer the question Activate Reduced Guard until engine has started again?.
If the deadlocks function shall be switched off
Press OK/MENU and lock the car. (Note that the alarm's movement and tilt detectors* are switched off at the same time.)
The next time the engine is started, the system is reset to zero and the combined instrument panel shows the message Locks and alarm Full guard at which the deadlocks function and the alarm's movement and tilt detectors are re-engaged.
If the locking system shall not be changed
Press EXIT and lock the car.


  • Remember that the alarm is activated when the car is locked.
  • If any of the doors are opened from the inside then the alarm is triggered.

The above applies if the deadlocks have not been deactivated temporarily.

  1. *Option/accessory.
  2. 1Only in combination with alarm.