Display mode for road sign information*

The Road Sign Information function (RSI1) shows road signs in different ways depending on the sign and the situation.
P5-1507-Road Sign Information and sign display
Example2 of detected speed information.

When the function detects a road sign with an imposed speed limit, the driver display shows the sign as a symbol combined with a coloured indication on the speedometer.

If the car is fitted with Sensus Navigation*, speed-related information is also obtained from map data, which means that the driver display can show or change information on the speed limit without having passed a speed-related sign.

P5-1507-Road Sign Information, no overtakning signs

An additional sign, such as "no overtaking", may be shown together with the speed limit symbol.

P5-1507-Road Sign Information, no-entry sign 19x19

If the driver enters a road marked with a no-entry sign at the roadside, the symbol for this sign flashes on and off on the driver display as a warning.

If the car is equipped with Sensus Navigation*, information from map data is used to determine whether the car is being driven in the wrong direction.

The driver can also get an acoustic warning when driving towards a road marked with a no-entry sign if the Road Sign Audio Warning function is activated.

Speed limit or end of motorway

When the function detects an "indirect speed limit sign" stating the end of the current speed limit – e.g. at the end of a motorway – a symbol appears with the corresponding road sign in the driver's display.

If the car is equipped with Sensus Navigation*, direct speed limit signs are normally displayed – indirect speed limit signs are only displayed if map data has no information on the speed limit for the road section in question.

Example of indirect speed limit sign:

P5-1507-Road Sign Information, end of all restrictions

End of all restrictions.

P5-1507-Road Sign Information, end of motorway

End of motorway.

The driver display symbol extinguishes after 10-30 seconds and remains so until the next speed related sign is passed.

Changed speed limit

When passing a direct speed limit sign when a speed limit changes, a symbol with the corresponding road sign appears in the driver's display.

P5-1519-Road Sign Information, 90 km/h symbol

Example of direct speed limit sign.

The driver display symbol extinguishes after about 5 minutes until the next speed-related sign is passed.

If the car is fitted with Sensus Navigation*, speed limit signs are shown in the driver display when map data contains information on the speed limit for the road section in question, even if no direct sign has been passed. If there is no information in map data, the sign is extinguished approx. 3 minutes after the last passing of a speed limit sign.

Additional signs

P5-1507-Road Sign Information, example of signs
Examples of additional signs.

Sometimes different speed limits are signed for the same road - an additional sign then indicates the circumstances under which the different speeds apply. The road section may be particularly susceptible to accidents in rain and/or fog, for example.

An additional sign relating to rain is displayed only if the windscreen wipers are in use.

If a trailer is connected to the car's electrical system and you pass a speed sign with the additional sign "trailer", the indicated speed will appear on the driver display.

P5-1507-Road Sign Information, signs that only apply certain time of the day

Some speed limits only apply after a certain distance or at a certain time of day. The driver's attention is drawn to this fact by means of a symbol for an additional sign below the speed symbol. The additional symbol in the driver display will show either “DIST” or “TIME”.

Sign for "School" and "Children at play"

P5-1617 - Road Sign Information, Sign for "School" and "Children at play"

If a warning sign for "School" or "Children at play" is included in the satellite navigator's map data3, the driver display shows a sign of this type.

  1. *Option/accessory.
  2. 1Road Sign Information
  3. 2Road signs are market-dependent - the illustrations in these instructions only show examples.
  4. 3Only in cars with Sensus Navigation*.