Two drive systems
Depending on the driver-selected drive mode and available electric energy, the two drive systems can be used either individually or in parallel.
The electric motor is supplied its energy from a hybrid battery fitted in the tunnel console. The hybrid battery can be charged in a wall socket, or in a special charging station.
Both the internal combustion engine and electric motor can generate motive force directly to the wheels. An advanced control system combines the properties of both drive systems in order to provide optimum driving economy.

Hybrid battery - The function of the hybrid battery is to store energy. This receives energy by charging from the power grid or by means of regenerative braking. It provides energy for electric operation as well as for temporarily operating the electric air conditioning during the preconditioning of the passenger compartment.
Internal combustion engine - The internal combustion engine starts when the energy level in the hybrid battery is insufficient for the engine power that the driver requests.
Super condenser – Provides energy to start the car, which saves the regular 12 V battery.
Electric motor - Powers the car in electric operation. If necessary, provides extra torque and power during acceleration. Recycles brake energy to electrical energy.