Adding or deleting languages in settings
The keyboard is automatically set to the same languages as the system language. The language for the keyboard can be adapted manually without affecting the system language.
Tap on
at the bottom of the centre display.

Tap on System, Languages and input, Keyboard.
Select one or more languages from the list.
It is now possible to switch between the selected languages directly from the keyboard for text input.
If no languages have been actively selected under Settings, the keyboard retains the same language as the car's system language.
Switching between different languages in the keyboard

When a number of languages have been selected in Settings, the button in the keyboard is used to switch between the different languages.
To change keyboard language with list:
Give a long press on the button.
A list opens.
Select the required language. If more than four languages have been selected, it is possible to scroll in the list from the keyboard.
The keyboard is adapted to the selected language and other word suggestions are given.
To change the keyboard language without displaying the list:
Give a short press on the button.
The keyboard is adapted to the next language in the list without displaying the list.