Seatbelt reminder

The car uses built-in sensors to detect if the driver or any of the passengers aren't using their seatbelts.

If the car detects any occupants that are not wearing their seatbelts, the system alerts the driver with a warning sound and the seatbelt reminder symbol appears in the display.

Seatbelt reminder.
Seatbelt reminder symbol.

You can find information about which seatbelts aren't fastened in the driver information area of the display.

Car overview.
Car overview in the display.

If the reminder appears, buckle the indicated seatbelts as soon as possible in a safe manner. Stop the car, if necessary, to avoid distracted driving.

In some cases, the sensors may mistake an object on the seat for a passenger and alert you if the seatbelt hasn't been fastened. If you dismiss these reminders in the display, the large graphic will disappear but the other warning indicators will remain active. Buckle the seatbelt to remove them.


Always make sure everyone in the car wears their seatbelt.