Road sign information

The car can identify and display road signs as you pass them. This allows you to keep track of the speed limit. The road sign information feature combines the direct detection of signs with information from map data.

The signs shown in the driver information area come from two different sources – either from real-world signs identified by cameras or from map data. The car automatically prioritises which source to use depending on the situation.

The car can only show signs that are part of the car's sign library.

How signs are shown

Detected road signs appear next to the speedometer in the driver information area. Different signs are shown in different areas.

Locations of road sign appearances in the driver information area
Road sign symbols can also appear on the other side of the speedometer, depending on the current driver information area display mode.
  1. 1Warning signs and upcoming speed limit signs
  2. 2Current speed limit sign
  3. 3Traffic information signs.

The car can simultaneously display several sign types. This can include the current speed limit, an upcoming speed limit or a warning sign, as well as an additional traffic information sign.

Displayed road signs

This list contains examples of road sign types that can be shown in the car.
Speed limit
No entry


Symbol availability

Road signs available to display in your car can change over time and vary between regions. The selection presented in this manual may not include every sign that can appear in your car's display.

Symbol design

Road sign styles vary between regions. The symbol style displayed by the car will not exactly match the symbol style of signs you encounter. If you have any issues interpreting a displayed sign despite the information provided in this manual, contact Volvo support.

Road sign display times

The display time for signs typically depends on the type of sign and whether you pass additional signs. Road signs can be shown in the following ways:
  • Briefly as one-time alerts after passing a sign.
  • Until the sign no longer applies.
  • Until you pass another sign with higher display priority.


Lingering signs

The car might fail to identify a sign indicating the end of a traffic limitation. If this happens, a symbol for the previous limitation can linger in the driver information area. It will eventually be replaced or cancelled. In the meantime, drive according to the applicable rules of the road.

Conditions and limitations


Driver responsibility and road signs

Road sign information is designed to help you manage information while driving. It is a supplement to safe driving practices. The driver is fully responsible for remaining attentive, keeping track of road signs and following local regulations. Do not prioritise the car's road sign detection over your own observations if they conflict.

Why all signs are not shown

The car cannot detect and show every sign that is relevant to the driver.
  • The system does not support all signs.
  • Signs may go undetected in certain conditions and traffic situations.
Conditions that affect road sign detection or identification:
  • The car's forward-facing camera must be clean and free of obstructions.
  • The road sign must be clearly visible and properly illuminated.
  • The road sign must be within a certain distance of the car and within the camera's field of view.
  • The car may not be able to identify misaligned road signs, such as signs placed too high or at an angle.
  • The car may not be able to identify damaged or worn road signs.
Conditions that affect sign information from map data:
  • An internet connection is required to download map data that contains information about road signs.
  • The coverage of road sign information from map data varies between regions.


For consistent and up-to-date road sign information in your car, be sure to accept the terms and conditions required for connected services. Contact an authorised Volvo workshop if you experience any issues with the road sign information feature.