Compare car models below and find the perfect Volvo for you.
Fuel type
ElectricFuel type
–Fuel type
–Electric Range
565 kmElectric Range
–Electric Range
–Acceleration (0-100 km/h)
From 7.3 sAcceleration (0-100 km/h)
–Acceleration (0-100 km/h)
–Top speed
180 km/hTop speed
–Top speed
–Max Engine Power (kW)
Up to 175 kW/238 hpMax Engine Power (kW)
–Max Engine Power (kW)
1 873 mmWidth
–Vehicle height at kerb weight with one person
1 647 mmVehicle height at kerb weight with one person
–Vehicle height at kerb weight with one person
–Vehicle length
4 440 mmVehicle length
–Vehicle length
–Cargo capacity (max)
Up to 410 lCargo capacity (max)
–Cargo capacity (max)
–Weight (Actual Mass)
2402 kgWeight (Actual Mass)
–Weight (Actual Mass)
–Trailer max weight
Up to 1500 kgTrailer max weight
–Trailer max weight
5 seatsSeats
–Available offers
CashAvailable offers
–Available offers
–To effectively utilise the car comparison tool, please follow these steps: 1. Navigate to the dropdown menu located at the top of this page. 2. Choose the car(s) you want more detailed information about. 3. You can select up to two different cars simultaneously. 4. Once you have made your selections, you can compare various attributes, including but not limited to fuel type, size, weight, rims, and available colours.
Comparing different car body types is a straightforward process. Here's what you need to do: 1. Access the dropdown menu at the top of this page. 2. Select the car models you wish to compare. 3. You may freely choose and compare all available car models, irrespective of their body type.
To compare different car engine types, you should follow these steps: 1. Locate the dropdown menu at the top of this page. 2. Select car models equipped with different powertrains. 3. You have the flexibility to compare all our various powertrains, including fully electric, plug-in hybrid, or mild hybrids.
For more information on Volvo Cars and features, please call 1800-102-9100 or write to us at