Range in cold temperatures
The following section applies to plug-in hybrids and fully electric cars.
In cold temperatures there is a risk that the battery will become so cold that it can affect the driving range of the car. To avoid this, make sure that the car is charging when parked in cold temperatures.
To learn more about cold temperatures and its effects, check the Range topic under the section Electric operation and charging in the user manual for your car model.
Certified and experienced range
The following section applies to fully electric cars.
The certified car range is established through a series of clearly specified tests under controlled conditions. To ensure that the test results are repeatable, several car features that consume power under normal driving are generally turned off. As a result, the certified ranges will generally be longer than what will be experienced in normal situations.
Long-term storage
The following section applies to fully electric cars.
To minimize the risk of damage to the high-voltage battery during long-term storage (longer than 1 month), it is recommended that the battery level is kept within a certain interval. It is advisable to check the battery level in the driver display on a regular basis.
Recommended battery level for long-term storage is 40-50%.
To learn more about long-term storage, check the topic Long-term storage of cars with high-voltage battery or the topic Recommendations for high-voltage battery (depending on your car's model year). You will find it under Electric operation and charging in the user manual for your car model.
Browse your user manual in the Electric operation and charging section for all battery and charging related information relevant to your car model.