Arrival time or Remaining travel time
Select option for display of time:
- ETA - shows the estimated arrival time
- RTA - shows the remaining time until arrival.
Navigation with Turn-by-turn1

Select setting for display in combined instrument panel:
- Box selected - shows next manoeuvre in the itinerary and the distance to it.
- Box unselected - no display.
Automatic audio adaptation
Select setting for map audio adaptation:
- Box selected - Audio and media system, e.g. radio, is muted when voice guidance reads out information.
- Box unselected - no audio adaptation.
Voice guidance
During guidance, when the car approaches a junction or exit, a voice message gives distance and type of next manoeuvre. At the same time a detailed map of the junction is displayed. The voice guidance message is repeated closer to the junction. To repeat a message - press twice on the OK/MENU button.
The volume can be adjusted with the audio unit's volume button (during ongoing voice message).
Select setting for voice guidance:
- Box selected - distance and type of next manoeuvre are read out.
- Box unselected - no voice guidance.
Simple voice guidance
With voice guidance there are three (3) instructions given before each guidance point - one preparatory, one immediately before and then the last one when the manoeuvre should be performed. With Simple voice guidance activated there is only one (1) instruction given for each guidance point.
Select setting for voice guidance:
- Box selected - one (1) voice guidance instruction for each guidance point.
- Box unselected - no voice guidance.
Safety camera
Select function:
- Box selected - warning with acoustic signal and symbol when the car approaches a safety camera.
- Box unselected - no warning.
- Pay attention that the posted maximum permissible speed may sometimes be changed and accordingly deviate from the navigator's database.
- The driver always has the responsibility that the traffic and speed regulations in force are followed.
Signal for stored location
Select between stored positions:
- Box selected - an acoustic signal when the car approaches a user-stored location.
- Box unselected - no acoustic signal.
Speed restriction2
Select function:
- Box selected - speed limit in force is shown with a sign in the combined instrument panel3.
- Box unselected - no notification in the combined instrument panel.