- The information for voice recognition control of the mobile phone in this section describes the use of voice commands to control a Bluetooth®-connected mobile phone. For detailed information on using a Bluetooth®-connected mobile phone, see Bluetooth® handsfree phone.
- The Volvo navigation system* has a separate supplement which contains more information on voice recognition and voice commands to control the system.
Voice commands offer convenience and help the driver to avoid being distracted, and instead concentrate on driving and focus attention on the road and traffic conditions.
The voice recognition system allows the driver to voice-activate certain functions in the multimedia system, in the radio, in a Bluetooth®-connected mobile phone or in Volvo's navigation system*, while the driver can keep his/her hands on the steering wheel at the same time. The input data are in dialogue form with spoken commands from the user and verbal replies from the system. The voice recognition system uses the same microphone as the Bluetooth® handsfree system (see Bluetooth® handsfree phone - overview) and the voice recognition system's replies come via the car's speakers.
Getting started with voice recognition

Button for voice recognition
- Press the button for voice recognition (1) in order to activate the system and initiate a dialogue with voice commands. The system will then display commonly used commands in the screen in the centre console.
Keep the following things in mind when you use the voice recognition system:
- For a command - speak after the tone, with normal voice at normal speed.
- Do not speak while the system is replying (the system cannot understand commands during this time).
- The car's doors, windows and sunroof* must be closed.
- Avoid background noise in the passenger compartment.
If the driver is unsure of which command to use, he/she can say "Help" - the system then responds with several different commands which can be used in the current situation.
Voice recognition can be disabled by:
- saying "Cancel"
- Press EXIT or another main source button (e.g. MEDIA).
Connecting a mobile phone
Before voice commands to a mobile phone can be used the mobile phone must be registered and connected via Bluetooth® handsfree. If a telephone command is given and no mobile phone is connected then the system will provide information about this. For information on registering and connecting a mobile phone, see Registering a Bluetooth® device.