Road Sign Information (RSI)* - limitations

The Road Sign Information (RSI1) function may have limitations in certain situations.

The camera sensor for RSI has limitations just like the human eye. Find out more about this in the section on the camera sensor limitations.

Signs which indirectly provide information on a prevailing speed limit, e.g. name signs for towns/districts, are not recorded by RSI.

Examples of factors that can reduce RSI are as follows:
  • Faded signs
  • Signs positioned on bends
  • Rotated or damaged signs
  • Signs positioned high above the roadway
  • Fully/partially obscured or poorly positioned signs
  • signs completely or partly covered with frost, snow and/or dirt
  • digital road maps2 are out-of-date, inaccurate or have no speed information3.
  1. *Option/accessory.
  2. 1Road Sign Information
  3. 2In cars equipped with Sensus Navigation.
  4. 3Map data with speed information does not exist for all areas.