Towing capacity and towball load

Towing capacity and towball load for driving with a trailer can be read in the tables.

Max. weight braked trailer



Engine code1GearboxMax. weight braked trailer (kg)Max. towball load (kg)
T2B4164T4Manual, B6130075
T3B4164T3Manual, B6130075
T4B4164TManual, B6130075
T4B4164TAutomatic, MPS6150075
T4B5204T8Automatic, TF-80SD150075
T5B5204T9Automatic, TF-80SD150075
T5B4204T11Automatic, TG-81SC150075
D2D4162TManual, B6130075
D2D4162TAutomatic, MPS6130075
D3D5204T6Manual, M66150075
D3D5204T6Automatic, TF-80SD150075
D4D4204T14Manual, M66150075
D4D4204T14Automatic, TG-81SC150075

Max. weight unbraked trailer



Engine code1GearboxMax. weight unbraked trailer (kg)Max. towball load (kg)
T2 B4164T4Manual, B665050
T3 B4164T3Manual, B665050
T4 B4164TManual, B665050
T4 B4164TAutomatic, MPS670050
T4 B5204T8Automatic, TF-80SD70050
T5 B5204T9Automatic, TF-80SD70050
T5B4204T11Automatic, TG-81SC70050
D2D4162TManual, B665050
D2D4162TAutomatic, MPS670050
D3D5204T6Manual, M6670050
D3 D5204T6Automatic, TF-80SD75050
D4D4204T14Manual, M6670050
D4D4204T14Automatic, TG-81SC70050
  1. 1Engine code, component and serial number can be read on the engine; see Type designations.