Internet map1 - operation

Proceed as follows to start the Internet map to plan your trip in order to then be guided to the specified destination.

For basic operation, read how the system is operated and menu navigation . More detailed descriptions are shown in each respective section.

In order to enter and search in the Internet map, use the character wheel and numerical keyboard.

To use the Internet map, the car must first be connected to the Internet.
Start the Internet map by pressing the NAV button in the centre console.
Accept sharing of the car's position.


The Internet map does not work without acceptance.

To deactivate sharing, in the normal view for the source, press OK/MENU, select Settings and uncheck the option Position sharing.

Select route options (e.g. road type, tunnels, ferries).
Select map options (e.g. full screen, map type, position information).
The position of the car is shown on the Internet map with traffic information and selected points of interest (POI).

Show route

Show the overview map of the route, in the normal view for the source, press OK/MENU and select RouteMap of remaining route.

Show detailed route information.

Change destination

To change destination: enter destination.

Cancel/resume guidance

In the normal view for the source, press OK/MENU and select Cancel/Resume guidance.

Change of car ownership

In the event of change of ownership it is important to reset all user data and system settings to the original factory settings, see Change of ownership.

  1. 1Applies to certain markets.